Cheers to Four Years!
Thursday (23rd) we celebrated our four year anniversary! I thought for sure we'd have baby boy on our anniversary to make it extra special, but he's just not ready!
(most of the pictures by Samantha Alday Photography)
It seems like yesterday I was getting ready for our big day, worried because I didn't have enough hair to hold my veil, but at the same time, not caring because we finally were getting married! I can't help but equate the length of our marriage to the amount of time I've been cancer free. 4 years! Can you believe it has been four years since my last chemo treatment? Four years since the doctor said that I'm cured! It all kind of seems like a blurry, distant dream.
Now, four years later, we're waiting for our little angel to arrive! We celebrated our anniversary by eating Mexican. (Surprise, surprise!) We can never have enough Mexican.
This week we've been trying to do everything that people have recommended to jump start labor. Long walks, stairs, squats, dancing, eggplant parm, pineapple, spicy food, etc. Still nothing!
My mom is on her way to North Carolina as I type. I'm so excited to have her here to help pre and post delivery! I'm a nervous wreck and there's just something calming about having your mama around!
I'm going to head to the grocery today for some last minute things for David to have for breakfast and lunch. We're going to go to the local Botanical Gardens for a stroll and enjoy our last Saturday as a family of four (Poor Reb and Hutch have no idea what is about to hit them).
Tomorrow we're trying a new church, lunch out, and then mom and I will get a pedi before we check in to the hospital at 6pm to get this party started!
Next time I post it will be announcing baby Charlie's arrival!! YEA!!!
To hold you over, here's some really exciting news....
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